Welcome to Modern Business Mastery

Turning the business world right-side up: fewer shoulds, more coulds, all you.

Modern Business Mastery is a Coaching and Community Platform for the entrepreneur who’s had it with the one-size-fits-all approach to business.

It's for the entrepreneur who is ready to build a thriving business that’s all heart, no hustle.
It’s for you, the game-changer, seeking to carve out success on your own terms, prioritizing what truly matters: authenticity, freedom, and a bit of fun along the way.

Taking the Road Less Hustled

You’re here because, like us, you’ve probably had it up to here with the “more, more, more” mantra. More followers, more sales, more hours... But when does it become enough?

You started this journey with a dream to create something of your own, to have the freedom to live on your terms, and somehow, you’ve ended up feeling trapped in an endless cycle of never enough.

Here’s the Hard Truth: The business world is full of advice that’s more about keeping up appearances than real success.

It’s exhausting, it’s overwhelming, and frankly, it’s BS.

Business That Feels Right

We’ve been there, staring at our screens at 2 AM, wondering if this is what we really signed up for.

We craved simplicity, honesty, and yes, we wanted to make money, but not at the cost of our sanity or soul.

We needed a way out of the rat race, a path to doing business that felt right. And when we couldn’t find it, we created it.

Welcome to Modern Business Mastery - your breath of fresh air.

Modern Business Mastery is your go-to for escaping the endless hustle and outdated tactics often found in mainstream business advice.

We embrace a philosophy that champions personal well-being alongside business success, specifically designed for the solopreneur and small business owner.
Our guidance cuts through the noise with honesty and transparency, focusing on practical, achievable strategies that fit your unique business needs.
While big-name business platforms might offer broad, outdated advice, we dial into the specifics that matter to you, ensuring our advice is something you can actually use.
We're committed to offering these valuable insights at fair prices, generously providing the resources you need to grow your business in a way that aligns with your vision of success.

We're Pro-joy, Anti-hustle.

At Modern Business Mastery, we steer clear of outdated, bro-y, sales tactics and manipulation, hustling from sun up to sun down, and the fake-it-til-you-make-it dance.

We’re into building success through authenticity and well-being.

We Believe That Mastering Yourself is the Key to Mastering Your Business.

We’ve created a place where you can master yourself so you can master your business.

A place where you can find support for your business and for your personal growth.

We help entrepreneurs who want to create and run intentionally small businesses (like yours) create impact in the world by tending to your personal growth and your business success.

Build A Business Around the Life You Want

Our aim is to shift the narrative from success defined solely by financial metrics to success measured by impact, satisfaction, and joy—providing the tools, community, and guidance to make it possible.

Mentorship Program: Mastery 360

Mastery 360, or "M360" for short, is a year-long mentorship program that combines one-to-one coaching with weekly, group skill-building training sessions and endless resources.

From crafting your business strategy to the nitty-gritty of daily operations, we provide access to experts, copywriters, coaches, and more. We're not just about ideas; we're about action and results. Our mentorship program offers the resources, support, and accountability you need, all without the steep costs.

Ready for Profit Bootcamp

Our foundational, 10-week course is designed to help you FINALLY launch your business. From business validation all the way to pricing and marketing - you will learn everything you need to make your business dream a profitable reality.

The program consists of live, weekly training and coaching sessions.

Our next cohort begins in May! If you're ready for a clear path to profit - join us!


The Modern Business Mastery Free Community

We created the free Modern Business Mastery Community with one mission: to ensure that every entrepreneur has access to the tools and support needed for both personal well-being and business growth.

While our paying mentorship members receive high-touch support, we don't hide "all the good stuff" behind a paywall.

The community offers:

  • Sessions & Mini Trainings

  • Monthly Virtual Work Sprints

  • Monthly Mastery Elements for Personal & Business Growth

  • Bi-Monthly Copy Clinics to support your messaging

  • Fitness & Nutrition Support for Entrepreneurs

  • Access to Resources: Worksheets, Templates, Workshops

  • Networking with Global Entrepreneurs

  • Quarterly Book Club

  • + more!

Join us in the community - we can't wait to meet you!

Meet The Ladies Committed to Your Growth

We’ve been helping people build intentionally-small business for years.

We stand firm against the hustle-at-all-costs mentality, advocating for a balanced approach where well-being, personal fulfillment, and making a positive impact are just as important as financial gain.

In a world obsessed with rapid scale and aggressive growth, we're here to say it's okay to aim for happiness, health, and community impact alongside profitability.

We bring the encouragement, offer accountability, and teach you the skills you need to grow your business and yourself.

Tanya MFK

Kristina Hellmann

Hi! We're Tanya & Kristina.
What Our Clients Are Saying...

"Tanya immediately clarified where we were, what we need to improve, and how to get things automated and streamlined in order to free up our time to focus on our business growth and vision.

She guided us into new revenue streams, advertising systems and showed us how to offer value to exponentially grow our mailing list and engage our audience."

- Shi Yan Bo, Shaolin Warrior Training Center

"Kristina crystallized my messaging and helped me find my authentic marketing vision- one that I could get behind and feel honest about, and yet a plan that had strategy, timing and clear execution processes for me to follow. She is a done-with-you marketing coach and an integral team member for any entrepreneur who is looking to scale and uplevel their brand. And besides all that, she is delightful to work with, which makes it all the more worth it."

-Chantal Howard, Chantal Howard Coaching

"Tanya helped me bring together all my ideas to build a solid foundation to grow from. It's a very systemized and logical process that has helped bring so much clarity to my business.

She helped me stay true to my mission and services that I 'm called to offer instead of falling into the trap of building what I think others expect of me, she encourages me to step fully into what I know I'm meant for."

- Dr. Sheetal Ajmani, Radiant Living Institute

“Kristina became a vital part of our team. She helped us define our ideal client base, structure our marketing plan, including social media prompts, blog posts, and a map of our marketing efforts. She also helped us build out our coaching program and website. She made sure we were always on the same page and answered any questions we had along the way.”

-Amanda Acker, God Given Genius

Ready for a Change?

You’re at a crossroads, and it’s time to choose: more of the same or a path less traveled that leads to freedom, fulfillment, and success on your terms.

If you need help with next steps, book a 20-minute strategy review with Tanya. She'll help identify specific next steps for your business growth in 20 minutes. No Pitch. No Catch.