Tanya and Kristina ready to coach clients
Tanya and Kristina ready to coach clients

Lead Magnet Bootcamp

Build the Whole System. Create. Launch. Convert.

Welcome to the No-Nonsense Lead Magnet Creation Workshop.

Are you ready to stop spinning your wheels with digital marketing strategies that just don’t stick?

Let's cut straight to the chase.

You need a lead magnet—not just any lead magnet, but one that truly connects and converts.

That's what we're here to build: a robust, reliable system around a lead magnet that does more than gather digital dust in someone's inbox.


Bootcamp Details

Meet us on Zoom for two hours per session. You'll receive your link when you sign up!

Create your lead magnet and start building your list.
You'll get comprehensive guidance, tools, and space for real-time creation for just $49.
Kristina coaching clients over zoom at a desk in a cafe full of plants.
Kristina coaching clients over zoom at a desk in a cafe full of plants.

What You Get

  • Identify and Understand Your Audience: Learn how to pinpoint exactly who your lead magnet will serve and the specific problem it will solve.

  • Create a Compelling Lead Magnet: Whether it’s a checklist, a template, or a how-to guide, you’ll develop something that your audience can’t wait to download.

  • Develop the Entire Lead Magnet System: From the attention-grabbing landing page to the follow-up emails that build relationships and drive sales.

Tanya in a fun hat with polka dots.
Tanya in a fun hat with polka dots.
This is not a passive lecture series. It's a hands-on, collaborative experience where you will:

You need an audience.

Your instagram/Facebook/Youtube followers are not part of YOUR audience.

They might follow you and engage with your posts once in awhile, but you can't reach out to them whenever you want.

They're not part of your exclusive world.

If you're looking to grow your revenue, having your own audience is the name of the game.

It's like having a cozy corner where you can chat openly, share your latest offers, and really connect whenever you feel like it.

When people raise their hand and say they want to be on your email list, they are interested. They want to know more about you. They're not just casually browsing, they're genuinely intrigued.

That's where creating a lead magnet comes in – it's the first step to capturing that interest and turning it into a meaningful connection.

What's Inside The Lead Magnet Bootcamp

Understanding your audience

You'll identify your target audience and their needs. You'll also define the problem your lead magnet will solve (this is the secret sauce!)

Choosing the right type of lead magnet.

Checklists? Templates? How- to guides? We'll cover all that and more - you'll learn about different types of lead magnets and how to choose the right one for your audience.

Crafting your lead magnet content.

You'll outline, draft, and refine (step-by-step) all the key components your lead magnet needs to be effective.

a group of people standing in front of a yellow background
a group of people standing in front of a yellow background
a check mark
a check mark
a pen and pencil on a yellow background
a pen and pencil on a yellow background


In the first session, we'll go over workshop goals and dive into actually creating your lead magnet. You'll learn best practices AND head into breakout rooms for personalized feedback and collaborative brainstorming.
Building Your Lead Magnet System

You'll design an engaging landing page and create a compelling opt-in form to get your lead magnet into the hands of your audience members.

Integrating Your Email Marketing

Together, we'll write effective email sequences to deliver your lead magnet and incite action. Emails include: your delivery email, your welcome email, your nurture email, and your sales pitch email.

Finalizing & Testing

Here you'll ensure all the elements of your lead magnet system work seamlessly together. We'll over tips on testing and optimizing for higher conversions.

a funnel icon
a funnel icon
a circle with a dollar sign in the middle
a circle with a dollar sign in the middle
a rocket ship lauunching
a rocket ship lauunching


In our last session, we'll recap best practices and review the work you completed in Session 1. We'll also address any challenges encountered with homework assignments before we jump into completing the creation of your Lead Magnet System. Ending with live Q&A, you'll get the support you need.

Why This Workshop?

In our time together, you can expect:

Expert Guidance: Led by Tanya and Kristina—seasoned business coaches with experience shaping strategies for Fortune 500 companies and indie creatives alike. You're in capable hands that know how to cut through the fluff.

Practical and Actionable: You'll leave not just with ideas, but with real, tangible assets for your business. We walk you through each step, so you finish the workshop with a fully functional lead magnet system ready to go live.

Community and Support: Join a group of like-minded entrepreneurs in an interactive setting. Benefit from live feedback, share insights, and even network with peers who are on the same journey.

Focused and Efficient: We value your time. This workshop is designed to deliver maximum value within a clear, concise timeframe. Two sessions, each tailored to ensure you get every piece of the lead magnet puzzle right.

two women standing next to each other with their arms crossed
two women standing next to each other with their arms crossed
  • You’ve been struggling to build a list of engaged subscribers.

  • You find the concept of lead magnets overwhelming or unclear.

  • You want a straightforward, effective strategy to increase conversions.

  • You appreciate a blend of professional guidance and peer feedback.

The Lead Magnet Bootcamp is Perfect for You If...

Ready to stop guessing with your lead magnet and start converting?

Sign up to be notified when registration opens for our next Bootcamp!